10 Best Tips to Improve Yourself

5 min read
Evidence based
Dainius Jakucionis, MD
By Dainius Jakucionis, MD Updated on 2024 Jan 23

Do you have a role model or someone you look up to? Most people do, but have you ever wondered why? For many, role models are someone that we aspire to become. We see certain character elements and qualities that are admirable, and it goes way beyond physical traits. 

Whether you have a role model or not, you probably still want to become better because self-improvement is a never-ending journey.

We compiled a list of the 10 best self-improvement methods – because even if we think we are good, we can always become better! 

1. Read More

One of the most common ways to broaden your horizons and boost your creativity is by reading books or other written content (such as news, educational blogs, etc.).  

You can choose any genre you enjoy. Every story – fictional or real – has something to offer and teach. Whether it’s the story that inspires you to view things from a different lens or new vocabulary that you pick up along the way, reading is both fun and doesn’t require too much effort.

Of course, some people struggle to keep their concentration when reading text. If that’s the case, you might want to try audiobooks or podcasts.

2.  Pick Up a New Hobby

Whether it’s baking, chess, crocheting, or baseball, you can always learn something new. 

Most people use hobbies as recreational activities, but who said you couldn’t develop your skills while enjoying yourself? Learning something new is often challenging and even a little demanding, but it’s also rewarding – you build multi-dimensional skills. 

For example, baking is not only about learning how to make delicious pies – it also teaches precision and even a little improvisation. The same rule applies to other hobbies, too – chess improves logic, sports can boost your attentiveness, and so on.

3. Do Art Therapy

Not everyone enjoys art and finds themselves creative, but art therapy is a proven way to relieve stress. Moreover, you can use it to unleash your hidden creative side!

You can relax and improve your artistic skills by painting, making clay sculptures, engaging in sand art, or simply filling in a coloring book. Moreover, art therapy can improve your motor skills, increase self-awareness, and build emotional resilience.

There’s no pressure to aim for perfection or compare yourself to professional artists. Just like with new hobbies, engage in art therapy to improve certain skills, unwind, and calm yourself after a stressful day.

4. Start Journaling

Journaling is a brilliant method to get in touch with your emotions and become more self-aware. Sometimes our feelings are confusing, and it can be impossible to unravel what’s happening. 

You can begin making sense of your complex emotions by writing down your thoughts on a piece of paper (or in an app on your device). Journaling can provide clarity on why you feel a certain way by giving you the option to see your thoughts visually.

5. Meditate 

For thousands of years, meditation has been used as a relaxation technique, but only recently has it gained massive popularity in mainstream culture.

Meditation is a mindfulness practice that can help you become more aware of yourself and your surroundings and calm your emotions. It even has physical health benefits! What’s great about meditation is that it’s completely free, and there’s no specific way to do it – you do what feels right to you!

6. Acknowledge and Accept Your Flaws

As humans, we’re not perfect – our past experiences, surroundings, and capabilities shape our perception of the world and the people around us. Sadly, not all of our experiences and learned behaviors are pleasant.

Everybody has flaws, and it’s crucial to remember that. However, you’re not giving yourself any room for improvement by beating yourself up for being flawed.

Acknowledge and accept that you’re not perfect – all humans make mistakes, hurt people dear to them, and even self-sabotage. But by knowing you’re flawed, you can notice the areas of improvement and become better.

7. Ask for Feedback

Feedback can be a vital tool when it comes to improvement. We often ask for feedback in the work environment since we want to know our strengths and weaknesses, but did you know you can improve your relationships by asking for feedback from your peers?

By asking your friend, a significant other, or a family member for objective feedback, you can strengthen your bonds with people by gaining a new perspective on the relationship. You can ask for feedback about your communication style, behaviors, or simply what they like or don’t like about the relationship.

8. Reach Out to People

It’s always precious to receive a “Hey, I miss you!” message or a simple check-up call from your friends – it makes us realize they were thinking of us. But how often do you reach out to your loved ones?

Even our low-maintenance friends enjoy being checked upon. So, don’t forget to show that you care and want to stay in touch with the people you hold dear by occasionally calling or planning a get-together.

9. Show Kindness

Kindness costs nothing, and it displays genuine compassion for those around you. 

Doing little acts of kindness for your friends, co-workers, or just strangers will not only uplift them but will also make you feel better about yourself as well!

10. Learn From People Who Inspire You

Whether it’s an acquaintance, your parent, or a friend from work, you can always learn something new from others – from a technical skill to a new philosophy of life.

Look for inspiring or admirable people and ask them to teach you something they’re good at. By showing interest in other people and their skills, you will find that you’re expanding your knowledge while strengthening your relationship with this person!

The Wonder of You

Self-improvement is a never-ending journey that has no end goal. Luckily, after a while, we can notice the progress we made. 

We all are capable of doing amazing things in life, but Rome was not built in a day. Therefore, being the best version of yourself starts with the will to become better to others and yourself.

Dainius Jakucionis, MD

Dainius is a renowned psychotherapist, holding a Master’s Degree in Medicine and additional training in Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy.